
Your personal Instagram messaging assistant


Available 24/7

ZenithChat provides 24/7 assistance, responding instantly to any user request without human intervention. It's equipped to handle a wide array of inquiries, ensuring users receive support any time of the day.


Knows all about your products

ZenithChat is equipped to provide comprehensive details on store products, including price, availability, and other relevant information, as well as insights on all Instagram posts associated with that product. This feature ensures that customers can access a full spectrum of product and post data instantly, enhancing messaging experience on your Instagram page.


Customize behavior

ZenithChat features customizable behavior, allowing you to fine-tune responses and interactions with customers. By adding specific instructions, you can tailor how the bot addresses inquiries, ensuring a personalized customer service experience. This flexibility enhances engagement and satisfaction by adapting the chatbot to meet unique customer needs and preferences.


Instagram Messaging Automation

Cut down on the time spent replying to customer messages. ZenithChat can handle any kind of Instagram messages 24/7.


Add your own data

ZenithChat can be customized with a personal knowledge base to accurately address inquiries about your store and products. It supports multiple formats, making it versatile in handling custom knowledge related questions. This ensures customers receive precise, instant answers about your business, enhancing their experience with your brand.

  • Custom files (.txt, .pdf ...)
  • Your website
  • Instagram page content
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Instagram integration

ZenithChat is fully integrated into your instagram store. It can access data about your page content and respond to any kind of user message, whether they're text, posts, story replies, or images sent from the gallery.

  • Knows all about your instagram content
  • Can answer to any type of message
  • Can interact with comments (Coming soon)
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Fully Customizable

Fully customizable, Zenith Chat lets you adjust its tone and interaction style to fit your brand, providing a seamless and personalized customer support experience.

  • Edit tone of its responses
  • Edit information it should provide
  • Edit questions it should not answer
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When users express intent to order via DM, ZenithChat captures this seamlessly. It can extract shipping information from the user and promptly notify you of the order intent, ensuring a smooth and efficient ordering process.

  • Captures necessary shipping info from an user
  • Notifies you about order
  • Asks user for order intent with every product recommendation
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Now Is The Time To Upgrade Your Instagram E-Commerce

Why spend your valuable time on repetitive customer interactions? Contact us and start enhancing your customer engagement today!

  • Stop waisting time providing same info over and over
  • Boost your response rate
See pricing
What better way to show off ZenithChat than presenting you with a quick demo in our promotional video

Pricing Options Table

  • 24/7 Instagram dm interaction
  • Website scraping
  • Instagram content recognition
  • Customization
  • Order alerts
  • Can be tailored to your needs and budget
  • 24/7 Instagram dm interaction
  • Website scraping
  • Instagram content recognition
  • Customization
  • Order alerts

Get in Touch for a Demo